The Metro-Vancouver Mural Project
Help 28 year old east vancouver artist change the landscape of the city with a mural program. Our goal: To paint a series of murals on major streets and possibly reaching out to all parts of Metro Vancouver. WE are part of an new citywide art program with a purpose to make transformative changes to graffiti management in Metro Vancouver, wall-by-wall. Co-promoting with founder Nick Gregson gives you a chance to be part of a positive change, community public art is a way of speaking about social issues. The Metro-Vancouver Mural Program not only prevents graffiti, it cultivates more space what Nick describes as places that “Inspire Artistic Innovation”. Follow our journey at our founder’s blog: Our vision starts with Hastings, Commercial Drive, Broadway and St Johns St: Here's what you're supporting: This TinyKick Campaign goal set at $5000 will enable us to to purchase: This would give Nick a chance to operate all summer and fund the materials required for 3 large murals: paint ladders and the advocacy work for more open artists space. Our program is non profit based and recruits volunteers of all ages from schools, organizations, and seniors. Funding is essentially the only thing standing in our way from painting right away. But we won't stop there! Additional funding beyond our goal can take this mural program to the next level. Here's what could happen: If we raise... $8,000, we get to paint 3 more murals on Hastings in the downtown east end. $9,000, we get to paint all 3 murals in the same style on posh west 4th ave. $12,000, we get to restore the classic 1950's murals around downtown Vancouver. In Vancouver, planning even one mural of this scale takes immense design time and preparation. Already, Nick has been spending months talking to local business owners, working with city bylaw, and organizing artists and volunteers. By the time, this campaign is over, we only have two prime months of painting weather and were ready to make use of every minute. Here's our way of saying thank you: Besides being an integral party of our movement, all funders who makes a minimum donation of $5 will get a chance to put their names on one of the walls and is incorporated into mural PLUS an invitation to help and learn how to paint murals. There's also an opportunity for you: with a $1 donation you can come and paint with a $5 donation your name will be incorporated into the art. with a $20 donation you get a postcards package. With $100 donation a two peace limited edition print. $200 small canvas painting. $300 Have your portrait painted or 4 private apprentice lessons from Nick. $1000 have influence over a murals theme. Admission to the End-Of-Summer Mural Veiling Art Show |
Nick Gregson